About Me

Hello, my name is Michael Smith Jr. I am a Junior at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) studying Computer Science and Information Technology. I have always had a passion for computers and see a computer science degree as a mere extension of this passion. Until I started taking classes in college, all of my programming knowledge was self-taught using resources around the internet.

Throughout my time at Mizzou I have participated in various student organizations such as Marching Mizzou, and the Mizzou Computing Association. Through the Mizzou Computing Association, I helped to lead the Web Development Student Interest Group to help others learn about web development. I have also participated in Hack Illinois 2015, Hack Illinois 2016, Hack Mizzou 2014, Hack Mizzou 2016, Arch Hacks 2016, and Hack Illinois 2017.


Ready to use
Workable with practice
Working on it


Java Javascript HTML5/Blade CSS/Sass PHP C C# Python Ruby Swift MySQL/Postgres/MariaDB Redis Memcached Haskell


Restful APIs SCP / SFTP / SSH Security Protocols Windows Linux OSX Android iOS MQTT


Laravel Vue.JS Bootstrap Spring Material Design

Dev Tools, and Other Programs:

Git / Version Control Gulp / Webpack Docker Vagrant Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Illustrator

Professional Experience

Personal Projects

For my Senior Capstone project, I am on a team with 5 other developers. We will be working to make an IoT application to unify various IoT devices and make it easier for users to interact with their devices. We plan on creating our own IoT hub to facilitate communication with IoT devices and skills/applications for the main voice assistants. The final form of the project will be presented to the University of Missouri - Columbia Computer Science department in May of 2018.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • PHP
  • Laravel Framework
  • Javascript
  • Test Driven Development
  • Docker
  • MQTT
Deployable is a SaaS application I am developing to make it easier for developers to move their code into production. The service will be designed to respond to both manual and automatic deployments from Github and other VCS providers. It is currently under development and will be released soon. It is being developed using the Laravel framework in PHP.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • PHP
  • Laravel Framework
  • Javascript
  • Test Driven Development
  • Docker
Sweep for Swift is a library designed to add in common helper functions and abilities to Swift projects. It was developed as an Open-Source library and is under development. It provides some extensions to arrays, JSON parsing, HTTP requests, and Attributed strings.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • Swift 3
  • Functional Programming
  • Test Driven Development
  • Continuous Integration
Money Manager is an application designed as my CS4830 Advanced Web Development class. It is an application to help users create monthly budgets and find out where they are spending most of their money. The application was developed using the Laravel framework on the backend and Vue.js on the frontend.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • PHP
  • Laravel Framework
  • Javascript
  • Vue.JS
  • SCSS
  • Webpack
  • Vue-router
Stress Less is application designed to help people that suffer from panic attacks. It accomplishes this by asking the user a series of questions after a panic attack, recording the information and aggregating it together in order to help the person discover possible triggers for their panic attacks. I created the backend of the application utilizing the Laravel framework.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • PHP
  • Laravel Framework
  • Javascript
  • SCSS
Note vote is a Spotify application that allows a user to setup a music playlist for a party. Party goers can then add songs to the playlist and up/down vote the songs to try and get their song to play next. I created the backend utilizing the Laravel framework.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • PHP
  • Laravel Framework
  • Javascript
  • SCSS
Water Royale was a game that I helped create during the Mizzou Spring 2016 Gamejam competition. I worked on a team with 3 other people to create this game in about 48 hours. Specifically, I worked on the multiplayer aspects and base gameplay ability. Water Royale was a top-down shooter multiplayer game for 2 players. The goal of the game was to put out the other players fire using your water gun.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • C#
  • Unity
Cobalt is a chore organizing application I helped build at Hack Illinois 2016 with a team of 3 other people. It is designed to help people that live in apartments to divide up the chores and rotate them. Specifically, I wrote the backend using the Laravel PHP framework.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • PHP
  • Laravel Framework
  • Javascript
Odyssme is an iOS application that I helped create for my final project in IT 4500 Mobile Application Development. I worked on a team with 3 other developers and 2 designers. Specifically, I worked on base application logic utilizing Swift.

Languages/Frameworks/Concepts Used:

  • Swift 2
  • JSON Parsing